The Directory List is part of a network created by The Hobby Line!
Internet. The purpose of the creation of Directory websites began when
the owner, Mr. Mike Dippel, decided that he wanted to give his customers'
websites more exposure. At that time, Mr. Dippel designed and hosted
77 websites and did his best to submit them to the various search engines,
directories and FFA sites.
But this was not enough. He created
The Pembroke Pines, Florida Business Directory
which lists business in the city of Pembroke Pines, Florida, and it became an
instant hit! The ball was rolling. Now, The Hobby Line! Internet hosts
23 assorted Directory websites that cover the spectrum of topics from city
directories, Christian directories and other niche topics.
The Hobby Line! Internet, Inc. is privately owned, and specializes in web
design, web hosting, and the installation of custom scripts. A complete list of
sites can be found at
About Us
(954) 895-4638